April 17, 2013

Well it has been an emotional week.  I have been wanting a website for so long and people ask constantly where to view my work.  I am pleased that I have been able to create this site (with the help of my husband and all the tutorials we watched on google AND the great support of Hostgator.)

On the other hand, my sister ran the Boston Marathon. I was anxious for her – don’t know why because she runs lots of marathons and ran the Boston many times – but I prayed for her the day before and texted her the night before to make sure she was OK.  She ran it in record time for her which put her across the finish line just 10 minutes before the explosion. Thank God !  So many mixed feelings in my heart…grateful for her safety, sorrow for the lost and injured, glad that more people weren’t hurt so badly, confusion why someone would have such anger in their soul to do such a thing – what put that anger there!? , proud of our usual response with everyone helping where needed.

My daughter who lives in Boston was going to watch the event but opted to meet her the day before. She works nearby where the explosion was so the building was in lock-down for a while. She and co-workers were afraid of the subways because it really wasn’t certain what information was correct or not yet so they walked 5 miles home in their work shoes.  No complaints from them. They were happy to be safe.

So I am feeling all that confusion and life still goes on happening here. I am on vacation from the day job and it has been a busy week for my art.  I sold some paintings this week, I’m working on three commissioned pieces of furniture, teaching some in home classes and doing some advisory work as well as starting a piece for donation. I love that my gift can be used for support of good causes.

A friend told me about Zendoodles this week so I tried my first one.


It really is therapeutic.  I’ve been doodling all my life but didn’t think about how relaxing and enjoyable it is.  Try it.  You don’t even need to make the shape of anything – just doodle. This one is on parchment with Indian ink but you can use anything.

2 thoughts on “April 17, 2013

  1. IPOY! Very nice site, Peg.
    I enjoyed the tour. I have wanted to show people what you do, and now can refer them to your site. Now to get a site for Pat. Love you Peg. Mary

  2. Terry cut my hair this week so I know your story. How casually I asked her if she had run in Boston…………… her story so touched my heart. She did tell me that you prayed for her………….don’t sisters share something special if only they listen. I have been sickened by the thoughts of what might have happened both to Terry & Greta. Wow! The power of prayer!

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